Freitag, 27. Mai 2016

Your visa has been approved

Today I have been to the US-Generalconsulate in Frankfurt to get my VISA. And what should i say ... i got it!

I always thought that Germans are the Master of bureaucracy. However while completing the Application for the Visum (DS-160), i knew that i was wrong with my assumption as this title is claimed  by the Americans.
Current employeer, former employeer, high school, gross income, traveled countries, exact itinerary and a lot more information needs to be stated. Did i not just state the color of my eyes and my weight? I also had to confirm that i dont cooperate with Terrorists (and that i am not one) and dont employ prostitutes.

The VISA-Application at the Consulate consists of safety-controls, lot of queuing and a lot of different officer, which you need to provide with your fingerprints. But mainly you have to wait in silence (as phones are not allowed inside the Konsulat).

As i was waiting in a bright room, decorated with US-Flags all over the walls, i watched the officials working behind their glass walls. They are really friendly by the way. 

At the end it went faster than expected. After an hour, i left the building after the Officer told me that my VISA has been approved and wished me a "great trip to the happiest place on earth".

Yes ... that`s what i was going for :)

See you in  38 days

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